The Resistance of Islamic Organization in Indonesia to Globalization
(This paper has been presented in the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Science held in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah on November 15th, 2017)
I. A New Kind of Tragedy

Terrifying things have happened in Jakarta in the past decades. There was the Malari Incident in 1974 which results in 11 protestors dead and hundreds of cars and buildings destroyed [1]. There was the Tragedy of May 1998 where mass violence, civil unrest, and bodies lying on the roadside is a common thing [2]. There was, and still, many student gang-fights (tawuran) on a daily basis which killed some students from time to time [3].
of those tragedy were nothing compared to what happened in Jakarta on December 2nd,
2016. On that faithful day, hundreds
of thousands of people wearing white robes and clothes rallies to the center
of Jakarta shouting a single demand: “Ahok
(the then-Governor of Jakarta) must be jailed
What makes this so-called ‘212 Demonstration’ scary, despite the absence
of violence, is the fact that these are not an angry mob. These are highly
organized groups unified by a single agenda, hellbent on overthrowing democracy
and replace it with their more tyrannical version. What makes these people
truly scary is the fact that they might be able to succeed.
When we take a look at the broader international context, the rise of
far-right extremists is not unique to Indonesia. Europeans have been
experiencing the rise of Neo-Nazi and Radical Nationalists in recent years [5].
Meanwhile, the United States (US) have elected a megalomaniac and a bigot
called Mr. Donald Trump as their president
[6]. Despite having ideological difference, all of these movements were
related by similar characteristics.
The first of which is, all of them claims
to represent a certain traditional identity of which, they claim, have been
ignored for years. Secondly, and most importantly, all of these movements were
motivated by a strong hatred to the political ‘others’ that they construct as
evil. In case of Indonesia, this is the religious Islamic extremist claiming to
represent Moslem people to fight the ‘reign of Chinese minority’.
The advent of this far-right groups signifies a huge wave of change in the
practice of politics. Whereas we thought that the era of globalization would
bring forward an era of rational political economy, the far-right groups
actually resurrect the dreaded identity politics once more [7].
in Indonesia, we can’t engage in a conversation without being scrutinized of
our partiality. It went so far, to the point that you can be accused of
supporting certain groups simply by the virtue of your appearance. The impact
that these religious extremist group can be felt, not in material level, but in
the immaterial level.
Despite numbers a few, these groups are quite vocal and
effective in producing knowledge and discourse which can disrupt the
liberal/mainstream discourse. Just by preaching in the mosque and social media,
they were able to convince thousands of people that Moslems are the most
superior religion while others are simply blasphemy, eliminating the value of
tolerance and diversity in the process.
It is quite clear for the author that these far-right groups are
problematic because their value and their existence is inherently against
democracy. In other words, should the Islamic extremists succeeded in their
goal, the sacrifice of countless
people who have paved the way for democracy in Indonesia will
be in vain. That will definitely be a far-greater tragedy than what have
happened in Jakarta previously.
In order to deal with this problem, the author
believes that we must first understand the nature of these far-right groups.
What is their background? How did they develop their motivation? Why were they
able to be so determined at their goal? The answer to those questions and more
will be answered by analyzing the discourse provided in their most important
achievement: “The
Declaration of Sharia Cooperatives 212.”
to the anti-capitalism nature of the declaration, this paper will also frame it
as a form of resistance toward globalization. The next question that must be
answered will be how much the discourse contributes to the actual resistance
itself and how the government can handle it.
II. A Resistance to Globalization
Before we can begin discussing about globalization, we must first understand the true nature of this phenomenon. Unlike what is being popularized through media and the so-called intellectual statement, globalization is not innocent. It is not simply a natural phenomenon triggered by the advancement of technology which will benefit all humanity.
It is, in fact, a technology itself, devised by a
certain regime to achieve certain agenda. The regime, in which, goes by the
name of ‘neoliberal-capitalism regime’ and an agenda simply known as global
capital accumulation. This is an agenda which reflects the ever-accumulating
nature of capitalism. By understanding this, we can now safely say that
globalization exists to lay the foundation for such agenda. Therefore,
globalization is no longer innocent.
By unmasking the true
nature of globalization, we can now reflect it to the growing problem in
contemporary society. As has been stated by Stephen Castles, globalization has
the power to transform the social structure of any country. The symptom of such
transformation can be seen from the closing of old industries, the lack of
motivation to pursue agricultural-related jobs, the destruction of rural life,
mass urbanization, the restructuration of labor unions, the weakening of
welfare state system, a fragmentation in community, and most importantly: a
reshaping of social identity.
According to Castles, all of these symptoms are
reflecting the very ideology of neoliberal-capitalism regime which favors
liberalization, deregulation, and market privatization [8]. What it means is
that in every part of the society, all of their resources were directed to the
success of establishing such regime. This is what globalization does to our
The real problem
with globalization as a discourse is the fact that it is marketed as a part of
modernization, that is: a force of inevitability that the common mass has no
choice but to accept and adapt to it [9]. As such, a mass-urbanization from
rural to metropolitan area is seen as something normal while complaints about
such phenomenon are treated as a grumbling from an old fart who is ‘trapped in
the limbo of time and their romanticism toward a past where everything was
where it was supposed to be’.
In this scenario, globalization is trying to
separate people from their socio-cultural and political value. Either you
accept the contemporary practice of economy (which is what capitalism being
called nowadays) or you keep your value, got left behind and forgotten. Such
cruel choice is what gave birth to the phenomenon that Richard Falk called as
the ‘resistance toward globalization’.
Back in 1997, Richard Falk has predicted
that the advancement of technology will trigger a serious social problem. In
his journal “Resisting 'globalization-from-above' through
'globalization-from-below',” Falk said that globalization will make economy as
the most important government agenda – if not the only agenda.
By doing so,
globalization will force the government to abandon social welfare program, such
as the creation of jobs and the abolition of poverty, in order to fulfill a
certain standard established by neoliberal-capitalism regime [10]. This kind of
behavior can be clearly seen from one of Mr. Joko Widodo’s first statement
after he got elected as the president of Indonesia during his public appearance
in APEC CEO Summit 2014:
“Today, I am very happy, to be with you,
because you know I was a businessman years ago. So, this morning, I am very
happy because we can talk about business, about investment with all of you. The
picture shows you our map of Indonesia. We have a population of 240 million and
the distance is like from London in UK to Istanbul in Turkey. And imagine, we
have 17,000 islands… we have national one-stop service office that can help you,
that will serve you, that will facilitate you, that will give you your business
permit… on behalf of the Indonesian government and the people of Indonesia, I
would like to thank you for your listening (to) my presentation. We are waiting
for you to come to Indonesia. We are waiting for you to invest in Indonesia [11].”
Mr. Widodo, in all
of his presidential-glory, speaking as if he is the CEO of a corporate called
the Republic of Indonesia, prattling about how good the value that his country
and his people have as a product and state his willingness to make it easier
for foreigners to gain access to these products.
Despite all of his campaign
pep talk about economy for the people (ekonomi
kerakyatan) [12], it is quite clear from that statement that he will go
in-length to make sure that his country aligns with the neoliberal-capitalism
regime’s agenda, that is: to open his market and give accessibility for global
capital to accumulate easier.
Such behavior is not only exclusive to Mr. Widodo
as it was also seen in the gesture of Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono [13].
What can be inferred from this explanation is that Indonesia has now become a
part of certain international regime and that many people will be left out
suffering due to this situation.
The opening of
Indonesian market will be guaranteed to be beneficial for transnational
companies and big wig investors, but what about for the people? As can be seen
from the case of the implementation of Masterplan for Acceleration and
Expansion of Indonesia’s Economic Development (MP3EI), the effect of such
policy for the people turns out to be ugly [14]. As millions of Indonesian have
been displaced from their home due to the need of developing infrastructure,
somewhere in our right mind will definitely question whether such action truly
beneficial for most people.
Due to the destructive nature that globalization
has to common people, Richard Falk called it as a ‘globalization from above’
which he defined as a political scheme devised by the elite in order to further
their own agenda. Because of the neoliberal ideology embedded in globalization,
all aspect of society will be shoved away to make economy the only agenda that
As if cornered against the wall, the alienated people will start a
resistance against such scheme. The goal of such resistance will be to seize
the popular discourse and disrupt it by using their own. Richard Falk called it
as the ‘globalization from below’ [15].
According to Falk,
there are at least four phenomena that can be seen as a form of globalization
from below:
First, society begins to
see the futility of electoral politics. No matter who got elected, no matter
their promise, they will always be the linchpin of neoliberal-capitalism
regime. Because of that, a resistance to globalization will definitely be
implemented outside of the electoral system.
Second, politicians, most likely in the opposition camp, will
respond to society’s anxiety by offering alternative policy which aligns with
their interest. This will lead to the rise of populism in political practice.
Third, the rise of populism will pave
the way for the rise of right-wing extremism which will scare the governments
to reconsider their alignment with neoliberal-capitalism regime [16].
Fourth, the government will lose control
over identity politics. As people were able to empower themselves as well as
self-producing knowledge, the government can no longer rally this people under
the same banner of identity. The increasing intensity of interaction between
like-minded people will create a new identity politics – a new formation of
‘self’ and ‘others’. As such, the forgotten traditional identity will arise as
a form of new ultra-nationalism or religious extremist.
The elements of populism,
right-wing extremism and traditional identity will merge as a part of
globalization from below [16]. It is in this framework that we can assess the
genesis of far-right groups in Indonesia.
III. The Rise of the Far-Rights in
Most literature on the rise of far-right groups in Indonesia usually refers to the rise of Front Pembela Islam (FPI) and Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), which are currently the most popular Islamic organization. However, extremist Islamic movement, in actuality, has always been part of Indonesia’s political history [18].
with communism, the threat from Islamic extremism toward this country’s
ideology, the Pancasila, has always been prevalent since the independence day.
The only reason why we haven’t become the ‘Islamic Republic of Indonesia’ is
the ruthlessness of our country’s previous two authoritarian leader, Sukarno
and Suharto, who repressed such movement with sheer force.
Ironically, the
return to liberal-electoral democracy is actually the biggest contributing
factor that allows those movements to arise once more. Ever since the
presidency of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in 2004, Indonesia’s political spectrum
has veered to the right over time. If we take a look at the legislation of
Anti-Pornographic Law, Anti-LGBT law, Anti-Extramarital Sex Law and the
infamous internet positif (internet
censorship), it is quite clear how conservative value has gained power over
Indonesia’s politics [19].
The urge to establish certain moral standard and
even interfere with private life is the result of our leader’s support base. In
every kind of election, religious groups will definitely show up as one of the
main supporter of certain candidate to the point that they can decide the
result of an election by themselves. It is not uncommon for political candidate
to go for a pilgrimage to Mecca during the campaign in order to be deemed
worthy of Islamic groups’ support.
In this kind of cases, we can see how
Islamic groups gain power by using the election as a way to incorporate their
values within the leaders’ policy. In fact, the existence of FPI can only be sustained,
despite their love for violence and law-breaking action, due to the support from Mr. Yudhoyono who got his vote from, mostly, Islamic groups [20].
The religious
extremists also have strong grip on the construction of morality at the
grassroots level. I remember back in 2008, news about FPI’s action would only
be considered as a joke among my circle. However, the same person I talked to
today could have a drastically different opinion. Whether their appearance or
the way they talk pointed to the idea that Islamic value is better as the
foundation of this country’s ideology.
The right to free speech granted in this
era has allowed these organizations to produce and distribute their idea in a
widespread manner [21]. This is also contributed by the fact that most Islamic
community is bound by a strong sense of brotherhood and led by an indisputable Imam whose words are thought to
represent the will of God. Like a military system, the word from an Imam became an order that can’t be
resisted by his followers.
This is especially true in rural area and Jakarta’s
satellite city. The 212 Demonstration is only possible due to this very
system that binds each Moslem people. What started as a hate speech towards the
behavior of Jakarta’s then-Governor, Basuki Tjahaya Purnama, turns into real
hatred and leads to a huge demonstration. All of this thing was possible due to
the very nature of liberal democracy that this country upholds.
However, the mind of
the people couldn’t be easily influenced if they don’t somehow relate to the
idea being promoted by their Imam.
The idea that Moslem people have been oppressed by Chinese minority is agreed
widely because the exact thing is what actually happened in Suharto’s regime.
Back then, Suharto repressed any kind of community which upholds ideology other
than Pancasila. This is applied to communism and Islamism alike. After the
genocide of communists, Suharto’s regime blocked any Islamic leader from
entering political stages. The many Islamic parties were also forced to fuse
into one, rendering them weak in terms compared to Suharto’s own party. This is
part of Suharto’s agenda to depoliticize Islam or to put them in the same place
as the Church – as a mere ground for spiritual engagement without ever
participating in political decision.
As if it was not enough, Suharto also
stripped them from their value by prohibiting Islamic attribute to be worn in
public place. A law from Education Minister even specifically says that women
can’t wear Hijab in school [22]. The
fact that Suharto’s regime were mostly supported by Chinese Taipan fueled the
rage of Moslem people today. In other words, they felt that they were wronged,
so they believed that it is only justice if they do the same to their
Another factor
contributing to the rise of the far-rights is the lack of their ‘left
counterpart’. Due to the ban of communism as an ideology, there is pretty much
nothing that can counter the widespread influence of Islamic extremism. In
fact, the ban of communism actually serves as a leverage to demonize ‘others’
as a communist [23].
The portrayal of Governor Purnama and President Widodo as
a communist is what allows them to amass enough people to rally a huge
demonstration in Jakarta. The lack of socialization of communist idea has
developed several myths about the actual ideology. For some reason, communism
in Indonesia is associated with atheism. Moreover, the word ‘communist’ itself
brings into mind the horror of Indonesian army general massacre during the
September 30th revolt, famously depicted in Arifin C. Noer’s film.
Because of these myths surrounding the forbidden ideology, it is easy to
trigger people’s rage simply by labeling someone as this so-called communists.
The fact that Mr. Purnama and Mr. Widodo were supported by Chinese Taipan
certainly increases the credibility of such claim since China and communism are
practically inseparable.
We can notice how
much the patterns of far-right groups’ rise in Indonesia very much aligned with
what Richard Falk has predicted years ago. Disbelief towards electoral
democracy might not yet happens but disbelief towards media coverage of it is
very true. The emergence of many Islamic media in the internet is a proof how
the far-rights try to disrupt popular discourse by publishing news with
different perspective from most mainstream media.
As a citizen, we pretty much
don’t know which information can be trusted any longer. Is the president a
capable man or is he a complete douche?
Nobody knows, the media is so all over the place nowadays.
What is true, however,
is the rise of political populism as an easy way to gain power by siding with
the far-right groups who happen to have more head count. Joko Widodo was able
to avoid using such method although in its place he is now bound by the will of
international capital regime instead. Another thing that is true is the rise of
traditional identity, represented by Islamic community, and the identity
politics it brought. Globalization from below has already begun in Indonesia.
IV. The Other Side of the Story
It is easy to judge people by our own opinion, but it’s not so easy to judge people by who they really are. Just like there are two sides of the same coin, every story has its own duality. What is seen from the outside as the rising threat towards democracy can actually be seen as the most powerful resistance toward capitalism that this country has ever had. Indeed, the word “collapsing capitalistic economy” is the very word used in the declaration of Sharia Cooperatives 212:
“From head to toe, the products used by (our)
community are products made by the capitalists. The money spends by the
community is brought to the producer’s country. This is what led GNPF MUI (an
Islamic organization) to strengthen the community’s economic foundation by
creating Sharia Cooperatives 212 and collapsing capitalistic economy [24].”
Launched in Bogor on
January 7th, 2017, the word ‘212’ from Sharia Cooperatives 212 is
meant to remind people of the 212 Demonstration which is now hailed as the day
of Islam resurgence in Indonesia. By using the term ‘fardhu kifayah’ which they define as a collective obligation for
Islamic community to seize the means of production to themselves, the Sharia
Cooperatives 212 invites Indonesian Moslem people to help themselves being
independent in their effort to disrupt mainstream political discourse.
This is
a pretty innovative movement since it complements the religious extremist
narrative to replace Indonesia’s political system. After all, no political
system, even the Islamic Caliphate one, can stand without its own economic
system. This way, the discourse brought by Sharia Cooperatives 212 can tackle
both the issue of establishing Islamic regime in Indonesia as well as resisting
the globalization from above.
Then again, it is
quite ironic that the group who demonizes communism actually offers a communist
solution themselves. Despite the fact that cooperative is rooted in Indonesia’s
history as an idea proposed by Muhammad Hatta, it can’t be denied that the very
idea originates itself from the social-communism thinking.
Some combative Moslems will probably try to rebut
this argument by saying that cooperative is different from communism by the
virtue of being more moderate. But no, the nature of ‘seizing means of
production’ is a very communist thing used in an effort for class struggle [25].
Yet the religious extremists can offer such solution without any problem
because the idea of communism in Indonesia has been subverted into something
that resembles atheism and secularism. As long as the one who offer such
solution is an honorable Imam, then
it’s not communism, it is part of Islamic value which should be complied and
promoted. Such is the mentality of most Moslem people in Indonesia.
But aside from the inherent
contradiction of Sharia Cooperatives 212, the idea itself is very brilliant as
a part of resistance toward capitalism. To this statement, Hizkia Yosie
Polimpung wrote that nowadays, it’s not so easy to organize and implement such
solution in a very large scale. Most anti-capitalism experimentation in
Indonesia is usually done in a small scale by different leftist groups who,
most of the time, can’t unite under the same banner. The end product itself is
mostly just a small coffee shop or other kind of small businesses.
Yet the
Sharia Cooperatives 212 plans to build a franchise of minimarket around
Indonesia which sells basic needs. This is definitely a huge achievement that
must be appreciated [26]. It is not impossible for the religious extremists,
which is more united and have strong supporter around the country, to amass
enough economic income that they can finally be a strong voice of resistance
toward capitalism and globalization alike.
This is pretty much what makes this
group very scary. Despite the noble goal to collapse an international regime,
we can’t deny that this country’s freedom could be taken in the process.
V. To Tame the Extremists
So, does the rise of far-right groups in Indonesia contributed to the anti-capitalism discourse? Yes, it does very brilliantly. But does it threaten the establishment of democracy and freedom in Indonesia? Yes, it does horrifically. This definitely puts us in a difficult spot.
The government would definitely like to eradicate this group since it threatens their alignment with neoliberal-capitalism regime. In fact, such effort has already been started by the legislation of Civil Society Organizations Law which will allow them to disband any organizations that they deem unnecessary [27].
However, this kind of effort will only lead to the repetition of what Suharto has done. Alienation can only be effective for as long as you can maintain your regime, but once it collapses, the alienated will burst from its exile and disrupting the new regime once more. But most importantly, such solution is no longer effective in the contemporary era where the far-right groups have garnered enough means to produce and distribute their own discourse. Therefore, such legislation will never get full support from the society.
Another thing that makes it impossible to alienate the far-rights is the fact that the politicians actually need their power in number in order to maintain their position. Even if the current government doesn’t want to be related with these religious extremists, it does not mean that their opposition won’t. This is what actually happened in the Jakarta Gubernatorial Race, where underdog candidate, Anies Baswedan, actually won the election due to sheer support from Islamic community [28].
What this paper trying to say is that alienation can only do harm for the current government. The only way that can be truly effective to tame these extremists is to understand their rage. Try to talk to these people one by one and see the world through their eyes.
If you think that this solution is too ‘wishy-washy’, then you should change your mind because this is supposed to be Mr. Joko Widodo’s marketed feature as a leader who can put himself on the same level with his people [29]. Instead of flirting with world’s leader in G-20 meeting, Mr. Widodo should speak with these extremists and socialize how important Pancasila is for the sustainability of this nation. Perhaps, he can also teach them about what communism actually is and expose the inherent contradiction in the far-rights’ movement.
When we have understood the root-cause of the rise of far-rights, we can see how the history of injustice greatly contributes to this phenomenon. As such, the first thing that government has to do to handle this problem is by addressing that issue and state their willingness to repair it. An apology might be far from enough but it is sufficient as a first step and would be better instead of continuously ignoring their suffering by aligning with an international regime who will only add to that suffering.
Because, if they won’t do that, it is
highly likely that the past regime will do it instead. As seen from the recent
alliance between Suharto family and Islamic groups, it is quite notorious how
easy these people to forgive someone who has caused them so much suffering [30].
Instead of the current government using this large group for building the
nation, that power is actually used by the opposition for a goal no other than
seizing power for themselves.
If we learned anything from Brexit phenomenon in Europe, the far-right groups are far more dangerous if they are on the side of opposition as they will channel all of their energy and resources to topple an already establishing regime.
But in the end, everything is not up to the government. As an individual and as a society, we have our own power to shape the kind of discourse that we want. Instead of only relying on the president to open up a discussion with the extremists, perhaps we can be the one to initiate it ourselves.
Instead of flaming anonymously in social media, we can actually talk to them directly in order to reach certain compromise. As far as the author concerns, this democracy that we have, albeit imperfect, is worth to be fighting for. We can’t let these people trample over that idea just because of misguided justice. If we want to truly defend our freedom, there is no better way than start doing things that will actually fulfill it.
If we learned anything from Brexit phenomenon in Europe, the far-right groups are far more dangerous if they are on the side of opposition as they will channel all of their energy and resources to topple an already establishing regime.
But in the end, everything is not up to the government. As an individual and as a society, we have our own power to shape the kind of discourse that we want. Instead of only relying on the president to open up a discussion with the extremists, perhaps we can be the one to initiate it ourselves.
Instead of flaming anonymously in social media, we can actually talk to them directly in order to reach certain compromise. As far as the author concerns, this democracy that we have, albeit imperfect, is worth to be fighting for. We can’t let these people trample over that idea just because of misguided justice. If we want to truly defend our freedom, there is no better way than start doing things that will actually fulfill it.
That is, of course, if we truly care about having freedom at all.
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